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Author Topic: RAW TCP/IP and UDP components  (Read 15268 times)
D.Tkalcec (RTC)
Posts: 1881

« on: May 04, 2012, 07:26:30 PM »

Raw TCP/IP and UDP components do NOT work together with any other components from the RTC SDK, but they can be useful to some developers, because they provide access to the low-level socket layer, which makes it possible to implement custom protocols, and thus allow you to communicate with services which are not HTTP-based. It takes a LOT more work and careful planning to do so, but it is possible - at least on Windows.

On non-Windows platforms, raw UDP components (TRtcUDPClient/TRtcUDPServer) will NOT work, and there are currently no plans to make UDP components work on any other platform than Windows. As for raw TCP/IP components (TRtcTCPClient/TRtcTCPServer), they can work on non-Windows platforms, but (unlike on Windows) require manual use of the "NeedMoreData" method to signal the components when they should check if more data has arrived.

Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec
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