The problem was that Graphic fields coming from Paradox tables contain a special TGraphicHeader before the actual image. My first solution was to update the iosTestClient Project to skip that special Header info before using "LoadFromStream" to fill the ImageControl, but I figured that some Databases Access components might NOT include that Header inside the Stream, which would make Client-side implementations dependant on Database Access components used on the Server, so I've decided to take a different approach.
Instead of skipping Graphic Header information on the Client, I've updated the "DelphiDataSetToRtc" function (used on the Server) to skip special Graphic Headers when preparing a RtcDataSet on the Server. This way, the Client will only receive the image inside the Stream, regardless of which Database Access components were used on the Server. In other words, if you download the latest RTC SDK version (v4.44) and recompile your Server, the following code will work with FireMonkey on iOS:
PS. I've also extended the "iosTestClient" Project to display the "Graphic" field (using TImageControl), so there is now a ready-to-run example for using Graphic fields inside iOS Applications.
Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec