Here are the last five Screenshots from this stress-test, showing the process of finalizing all Clients test loops and closing the Server ...
This 24/7 stress-test of the RealThinClient SDK 3.76 is now completed.
There were
NO errors throughout the whole test, there were
NO problems closing any of the RTC Clients nor the RTC Server and there were a absolutely
NO memory leaks on either of the Clients nor the Server (memory leak report generated by FastMM4).
Detailed log files from ALL test Clients (IBM-1 to IBM-8 and IBM-A to IBM-C) as well as the test Server (SRV) can be
downloaded HERE (a 23,5 MB zip file, CLICK to download)!Important thing to note here is that "madExcept" was used on all the Clients and the Server throughout this stress-test with "detect application freezing" option enabled and a "freezing alarm" set to 60 seconds. Because some of the functions on the Client took longer to complete than 60 seconds (for example opening 300 connections, preparing 300 complex remote function calls and sending them to the Server), "madExcept" has created a few "bugreport.txt" files containing snapshots of some AppClient instances at times when their main thread was busy for longer than 60 seconds, but the madExcept report dialog was automatically closed once madExcept has realized that the main thread is still running normally.
I have decided to include "bugreport.txt" files even though they do not contain real bug reports (only false warnings about the application appearing to be frozen, which were proven to be wrong after the app has continued normally), because I found it interesting to see a complete snapshot including call stacks of all running threads, which clearly shows that the Clients were running in multithreaded mode and that most threads were busy opening connections, preparing new remote function calls, sending data, receiving data or processing received results. Would there have been any real bugs, there would have been errors in RTC log files, the Clients would not have continued running, there would probably have been a real exception entry in the "bugreport.txt" file and a memory leak report would either have been missing or it would contain leaked objects.
In this stress-test, the RTC Server has responded to more than
394 million requests from RTC Clients, which have opened and closed more than
2,7 million connections to the Server. I have been changing test parameters on all Clients at least once a day, so that most RTC SDK properties and settings have been tested for at least 24 hours each.
Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec