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Author Topic: ISAPI Extensions Provider  (Read 6107 times)
RTC License
Posts: 1

« on: January 17, 2019, 10:00:27 AM »


I try develop web-server, based on "\Examples\RTC_WebServer".
Easy ISAPI modules created in Delphi is work fine in your exsamle, but I have problem with ISAPI Extensions Provider + UniGUI Application as ISAPI DLL.

Module unigui_web.dll must sende in browser some files html, css, js, jpg and other, but files possibly no transmitted, I think.

I checked Event Handler ISAPI_Provider.ProviderCheckRequest.
It has been called for every files of scripts, graphics and other in start page, but browser window is freeze in string "Loading..."

Please tell me Where should I look for a problem with loading UniGUI ISAPI DLL?

My Test UniGUI ISAPI DLL is Here:

PS. In IIS and Apache + mod_isapi it's work normal

Thanks, advance...
D.Tkalcec (RTC)
Posts: 1881

« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 10:12:31 AM »

Maybe the ISAPI module requires a function which is NOT implemented in that example Project, or maybe something else is wrong. Please, take into consideration that the example code provided with the RTC WebServer is NOT a full-blown Web Server and there might be features which some ISAPI DLLs require but are NOT implemented in that example. The ISAPI module in the RTC WebServer example ONLY implements features required by ISAPI DLLs implemented with the RTC SDK. The purpose of that example was to allow easy debugging of ISAPI extensions implemented with the RTC SDK. It is NOT a full-blown WebServer like IIS or Apache and is therefor NOT going to work with all 3rd-party ISAPIs out-of-the-box. If you want to use that example Project to host 3rd-party ISAPI DLLs, you will need to implement all the functionality required by the ISAPIs.
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