I am attempting to install RTC in XE6. I am installing from the v631_2014Q1 zip file. When building the rtcSDK_DBA.bpl project I get this error:
[dcc32 Error] rtcDB.pas(382): E2174 'DefaultFields' not previously declared as a PROPERTY
There are a few other related compilation errors that result from that issue.
The error references the declaration for DefaultFields in class TRtcBaseDataSet, which extends class TDataSet. TDataSet has no PROPERTY for DefaultFields, just the following protected getter/setter definitions:
procedure SetDefaultFields(const Value: Boolean); deprecated 'Use TField.LifeCycle or TFields.LifeCycles properties instead';
function DefaultFields: Boolean; deprecated 'Use TField.LifeCycle or TFields.LifeCycles properties instead';
This is not a huge deal, but I was wondering if this just an XE6 issue and if there was a plan to replace the deprecated references?