I'm not familiar with FireDAC (it has been quite a while since the last time I have done anything with Databases in Delphi), but ... any example for using the Database Access components of your choice (in this case: FireDAC) should work with the RTC SDK in single-threaded mode (MultiThreaded=False), without much modification. The only difference in multi-threaded mode (MultiThreaded=True), is that you will need a sepatate set of Database Access components for each thread. This usually means creating a separete set of Database Session, Database Connection and Table/Query components. The easiest way of achieving this is to create all the components required for Database Access on-the-fly, just before you need to access the Database and destroy them afterwards. A better and more optimized approach is to use a Database Connection Pool. For an example Database Connection Pool implementation (written by a RTC user), check
this FAQ Topic (CLICK).Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec