You can not send "Variant" data types, because "Variant" is not a type. It is a container for a number of different data types. But, you can send your store procedure call parameters in an array or record where each element is of a different type, like ...
with RtcClientModule.Prepare('OpenSql') do
asText['my_sql_statement']:='Exec StoredProc1 :P1, :P2'; // Unicode String
with newArray('my_parameters') do
asInteger[0]:=2; // integer value
asString[1]:='300'; // 8-bit character String
While you could also use the "Value" property, which reads and sets data using the Variant type, I do not recommend it, because type conversions are required ("Variant" can NOT be sent) and you won't know for sure what type your data ended up in.
Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec