I've ran a short test with a new Project in Delphi XE6, mapping all events and logging the
TRtcDataServer(Sender).PeerAddr property in each. The only place I do NOT get the PeerAddr is in the "OnClientConnect" event, which is the very first event that triggers when a new client connection is ready to be accepted, before any connection properties have been read from the socket. In all the other events, the "PeerAddr" property is correctly populated. If you were using the "OnClientConnect" event before and you need access to the "PeerAddr" property, I recommend changing your event mapping to use the "OnConnecting" or "OnConnect" event instead.
If that's not the problem, then I will need more details or an example Project for testing.
PS. There were a lot of changes and optimizations between RTC SDK v2.7 and 6.x, one of which was to reduce the number of socket API calls, for example by populating properties like "LocalAddr" and "PeerAddr" only once (when the data is expected to be available), instead of accessing the API every time the property is being used. That is most likely why you were getting a result from the PeerAddr when using the old RTC SDK version, but are not getting any results now.
Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec