RTC Forums

Dashboard => Quick Start => Topic started by: D.Tkalcec (RTC) on November 06, 2009, 01:05:27 PM

Title: Start HERE!
Post by: D.Tkalcec (RTC) on November 06, 2009, 01:05:27 PM

If you want to use the RTC SDK, you will need to go through Quick Start Lessons and Classroom to learn the basics (see links below). Once you are finished with both, you should have enough understanding of the RTC SDK to start working on your Project.

While working on your Project, make use of the Forum. Especially the "Search" feature. There are hundreds of questions already answered here, so please do NOT start a new Topic unless you've already tried searching the Forum and could NOT find what you were looking for.

And, please keep in mind that RTC SDK is only here to handle communication between your Clients and your Server. Nothing more and nothing less. If your question is about anything else, then it is OFF-TOPIC here and does NOT belong to this Forum.


Get an overview of RealThinClient SDK components (hierarchy image), HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/files/rtcSDK_Components.png)

Go through the RTC SDK Quick Start topics from the old RTC Forums, HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/sdkarchive/index30eb30eb.html)

When you are finished with the old Quick Start topics, check the RTC CLASSROOM, HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/classroom/)

Check a collection of FAQ Topics about using Remote Functions (RTC Remote Functions - Explained), HERE. (https://rtcforum.teppi.net/index.php?topic=311.0)

For a collection of RTC SDK F.A.Q. topics from the old RTC Forums, click HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/sdkarchive/indexa316a316.html)

For a collection of RTC SDK Articles from the old RTC Forums, click HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/sdkarchive/indexc41bc41b.html)

For a copy of the RTC SDK Sharing section from the old RTC Forums, click HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/sdkarchive/index45ba45ba.html)

ONLINE HELP for all RTC SDK components and classes is available HERE. (https://rtc.teppi.net/help)

Best Regards,
Danijel Tkalcec